It is a common nail problem and occurs in about 10 percent of the adult population at any one time.
The affected nail can become thickened, brittle and a discoloured greenish-yellow, white or even orange colour. It can change the texture of the nail, to be moist, dry or very brittle. Although it doesn’t often causes pain it can look unsightly and be uncomfortable in shoes. It can affect a single nail (usually the big toe) or multiple nails, and can even affect fingernails too.
If untreated, it can progress to affect the root of the nail, skin around the nail and can cause the nail to detach.
Fungal nails are difficult to treat, however, with perseverance and the right treatment - a new healthy nail can be encouraged.
It is important to seek advice from a podiatrist to confirm the diagnosis, as other conditions such as psoriatic nails and yellow nail syndrome can look similar.