Gait Analysis identifies the underlying mechanical causes of common foot and lower limb problems. At Premier Foot Clinic, a computerised force plate is used to record a dynamic “step”. In the M.O.D, this system was used to screen the feet of all new recruits with non symptomatic feet. The information given through the analysis was used to prescribe custom made orthotic for those that showed abnormalities. Due to this intervention, the injury rate was reduced by a third.
It is a useful piece of equipment to help detect underlying problems. Biomechanical problems attributed to the foot, include heel and arch pain, ankle pain, leg cramps, knee pain, hip pain, lower back pain can increase the likelihood of being injured.
Alongside, many other important observations and measurements are done, assessing the range of joint motion, muscle strength and flexibility, looking for misalignments in the feet, legs, pelvis and shoulders. The assessment also involves looking at the way you stand and walk, assessing your footwear and lifestyle.